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Specialty Care Centers

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Allergies >
This care center will help you take control and reduce your allergy symptoms by answering your questions about allergy testing, allergy shots, medicine and how to avoid the things that trigger your allergies. More..
Arthritis >
This care center is about the most common form of arthritis, osteoarthritis. People with this type lose cartilage, the tissue that protects the joints.  The center will supplement the information from your doctor and help you manage this challenging condition.  More..
Asthma >
Asthma is a chronic condition that can be controlled. Asthma management is easier than in the past, thanks to new medications and a greater understanding of what causes the condition.  This step-by-step guide will help people with asthma lead normal lives and avoid emergency situations. More..
Bariatric Surgery (Surgical Weight Loss) >
Surgical weight loss, also called bariatric surgery, refers to a number of procedures that can help morbidly obese individuals lose weight. This care center will help answer some of your questions about this type of surgery, including a discussion about who may be eligible. More..
Exercise >
Exercise can greatly reduce your risk of many chronic diseases and improve your overall health. For many people, however, getting more physically active -- or sticking with it -- is difficult.  This care center is designed to help people, step by step, put a successful exercise plan into place. The health benefits will begin almost immediately! More..
High Blood Pressure >
Many people are surprised to find that they have high blood pressure. But it is a serious condition -- one of the leading causes of stroke and heart disease. If you've been diagnosed with high blood pressure, take it seriously.  By following the steps in this care center and working with your doctor, you CAN lower your high blood pressure and decrease your risk for heart disease. More..
High Cholesterol >
High cholesterol is a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease, which can lead to a heart attack or stroke.  If you have been diagnosed with high cholesterol, this care center will show you steps you can take to lower it. More..
Low Back Pain >
Low back pain is the #2 reason that Americans see their doctor -- second only to colds and flus. Between 60% and 90% of people in this country experience back pain at one time during their life.   This care center explains the many things you can do to lower your chances of getting back pain. More..
Pregnancy >
Having a baby can be one of the most exciting times in your life. This care center is full of important information designed to guide you through your pregnancy - you'll see how your baby develops each week, find helpful planning tips, and learn what to expect from labor and delivery. More..
Type 1 Diabetes >
Type 1 diabetes is a condition where glucose levels in the blood are too high. To manage diabetes, insulin must be used daily and lifestyle carefully planned.  This care center supplements the instructions from your doctor and will help you become an expert.  With proper management, a person with diabetes can live a full, active, healthy life. More..
Type 2 Diabetes >
Millions of Americans have diabetes and almost one-third are not aware that they have it. Uncontrolled diabetes can lead to serious health problems, but by following the steps in this care center and working with your healthcare team, you can prevent or control diabetes and even reduce your risk of long-term complications. More..
Weight Loss >
Most people know that being overweight is not healthy, yet losing weight can be difficult. This care center will help you through the weight loss process by explaining how successful weight loss really happens. More..